Week of April 11-14, 2022

Week of April 11-14, 2022

Language Arts

Monday:Journal- Describe a sibling of yours. What is his or her name? Age? How are you and your sibling alike? How are you and your sibling different?
Lesson 1.23 Conjunctions and Interjections (pt. 2) pg. 54- Students will have already defined and identified examples of the following grammatical concepts: 1) conjunctions: connect individual words or groups of words in sentences, 2)coordinate conjunctions: connect words, phrases, or independent clauses (complete thoughts/sentences), 3)correlative conjunctions: come in pairs and are used together, 4)subordinate conjunctions: connect dependent clauses (incomplete thoughts/sentences) to independent clauses, 5)interjections: words or phrases that express surprise or strong emotion. Students will complete a passage in which they will practice using the various types of conjunctions correctly depending on the context of the sentence as well as how the sentence is structured. In the activity, they will continue to practice recognizing the position independent and dependent clauses in sentences to determine which conjunction they should use. They will also practice writing sentences using interjections.

Tuesday: Journal- Name one thing you do really well. (i.e. name one thing you are really good at). How are you good at this thing? Why? What intrigues you about it?
Yoga Tuesday will be taking place during the language arts hour. Thus, there will be no language arts class held.

Wednesday: Journal- If you could create your own video game, what would it be called? What would the plot be like? Who would the characters be? What would the setting be?
Review Chapter 1 Lessons 17-23 (pg. 55-56) Students will complete a review of the following grammatical concepts: adjectives, comparative and superlative adjectives, adverbs and intensifiers, comparative and superlative adverbs, the differences between adjectives and adverbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases, conjunctions and interjections. They will identify examples of these comments in sentences as well as write their own sentences using conjunctions and prepositional phrases. The page regarding prepositions and prepositional phrases, and conjunctions and interjections will serve as a study guide for the language quiz the following day.

Thursday: Journal- How would you feel if pigs were able to really fly?
Students will take a quiz on prepositions and prepositional phrases, and conjunctions and interjections to determine the definitions of these grammatical concepts as well as their identification in sentences. Students will also write sentences with them.



Monday:Daily Reading Comprehension:
-Comparing the World’s Pyramids (pg. 167)
-A Fruit? A Vegetable? Which is it? (pg. 168)
-Skipping Through History (pg. 169) Students will read the following three passages together in their daily reading comprehension workbook. They will discuss the passages as a class, they will summarize them as well. They will practice the following two skills while reading the selected passages above: 1)compare and contrast-looking at the similarities and differences between two or more people or things, 2)make inferences-using clues in a passage to understand what is being implied or inferred. They will answer reading comprehension questions using these skills.

Tuesday: Daily Reading Comprehension:
-The Fleet Sets Sail (pg. 170)
-Handcycling: A Growing Competition Sport(pg. 171)
-Satchmo: The Great (pg. 173) Students will read the following three passages together in their daily reading comprehension workbook. They will discuss the passages as a class and summarize them. They will practice the following three passages while reading the selected passages above: 1)compare and contrast-looking at the similarities and differences between two or more people or things, 2)make inferences-using clues in a passage to understand what is being implied or inferred. They will answer reading comprehension questions using these skills, 3)character and setting- looking at the traits and motivations of a character and where and when a passage’s events take place. Then, they will answer reading comprehension questions using these three skills.

Wednesday: The Elves and The Shoemaker (passage) Students will read this passage to work on making inferences, conclusions and identifying. They will read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. They will answer questions in a class discussion regarding the setting, character, and plot (events). Students will then write a summary including literary elements and the supporting details of “The Elves and The Shoemaker”.

Thursday: “Easter” Reading w/Questions
As a class, students will read a passage on Easter in which they will examine its historical significance, symbols and meaning, when it takes place, chocolate eggs, as well other “egg-straordinary” traditions. Before completing the activities that follow the reading, students will discuss their views of the traditions associated with Easter. They will complete true/false reading comprehension questions on the passage and write a summary about it.



Monday: Grade 10 level- Wordly Wise – Lesson 14 (pg. 136-137)- 14A Understanding Meanings- Students will read sentences and check to see if the spelling word is being used correctly in a sentence to understand its meaning. This activity will help students with vocabulary, in comprehending the meaning of the word along with context clues.
Grade 8 level – Wordly Wise- Lesson 11(pg. 87-88)- 11A Finding Meanings- Students will choose two ​phrases to complete a sentence that uses a spelling word correctly from Lesson 10. In this activity, they will be practicing vocabulary and also use context clues to help retain the meaning of the word.
Grade 4 level- Spelling Connections- Unit 18-Assess for transfer (pg. 120) This unit recaps words and spelling concepts from Unit 13 to Unit 17. In the first activity, students will begin separating words based on their phonological categories: 1)r-controlled vowel, 2)more letters than sounds, 3)words with silent consonants, 4) the /kw/ sound spelled qu, and 5) complex consonant: soft g.

Tuesday: Grade 10 level – Wordly Wise, Grade 10, Lesson 14- 14B Using Words (pg. 138-139) Students will continue to practice vocabulary and meaning in this activity along with using context clues by determining whether or not a word from their list fits in given sentences. They will also practice using different forms of the words from their list to complete the sentences in the exercise.
Grade 8 level – Wordly Wise, Grade 8, Lesson 10- 10B Just the Right Word (pg. 88-89)- Students will use vocabulary recognition, meaning, and context clues to complete this exercise. They will improve each of the following sentences by crossing out the bold phrase (which suggests meaning) and replacing it with the correct word.
Grade 4 level – Spelling Connections – Review: “R-controlled vowels” like those of car and share and “More Letters Than Sounds”
Students will practice the words of these phonological patterns along with vocabulary (meaning and using context clues) by spelling words using missing letters and completing sentences using words from their previous lists, respectfully. They will also practice saying the words aloud (dictation).

Wednesday: Grade 10 level – Wordly Wise, Grade 10, Lesson 14- 14C Word Study (pg. 139-140) Students will complete this word study activity by using the following prefix “dis” (apart, to remove, completely, and deprive) to go over vocabulary from this lesson and previous ones. They will see that this prefix affects the meaning of words. They will also study for their spelling/vocabulary test the following day.
Grade 8 level – Wordly Wise, Grade 8, Lesson 11- 11D Word Study (pg. 90) Students will complete this word study activity by determining pairs of synonyms and antonyms. This will help them with recognizing vocabulary and meaning as synonyms have the same or similar meaning to their vocabulary words, while antonyms have opposite meanings. They will also study for the spelling/vocabulary test the following day.
Grade 4 level – Spelling Connections- Unit 18-Assess for Transfer, Review: Silent Complex Consonants, qu/squ, and soft g (pg. 122-123) Students will practice words of these phonological patterns mentioned by completing exercises with vocabulary (meanings, multiple-meaning words, synonyms/antonyms). They will also continue to practice spelling words using missing letters, determining pairs of rhyming words, and counting syllables. Students will study words for their test the following day.

Thursday: Students will take their spelling/vocabulary test of the week, according to the level they are performing on. Exercises in the test will include spelling out words and questions related to vocabulary.


Social Sciences

Tuesday: Lesson: Ecosystem
Students will complete a lesson on ecosystems. Students will define the following terms: ecosystem, ecology, abiotic factors, biotic factors, producers, species, population, and community. They will identify examples of abiotic, biotic factors, producers, and decomposers. They will also understand why it is important that an ecosystem is balanced. They will answer six questions regarding the material of the lesson.
As April is considered to be Earth month, students will begin brainstorming their ideas for a compilation of objects that can be thrown away or recycled to create an object of their choice such as a plastic robot, a paper tree, or a plant in a bottle. The purpose of this project is for students to get creative, have fun, and make something with objects that would otherwise be thrown away such as plastic, cans, toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, cardboard, and paper. This project also ties in with the ecosystem and environment. In order to have a balanced ecosystem, environment, and planet; we can reduce our trash, recycle, and reuse objects to create new things.

Thursday: Lesson: Biomes
Students will complete a lesson on biomes. Students will define the following terms: biomes, taiga, deciduous forest, tropical rain forest, desert, tundra, and grassland. They will identify the characteristics of the different biomes such as the climate, environmental conditions, as well as animals that can be found in each biome. They will answer six questions regarding the material of the lesson.


Social Studies

Monday: Review: Florida USA – Chp. 3- Native Americans and European Explorers
Students will receive a review of the titled chapter above in the form of a lecture to go over the main concepts and vocabulary terms of Chapter 3: Florida’s first people (artifacts, nature, archaeologist), Florida’s Spanish Beginnings (explorer, conquistador, legend), the reasons for why the French came to Florida, and Spanish control of Florida (inlet, possession). The vocabulary terms along with definitions are listed in parentheses. The purpose of the review will be for students to recall and summarize the main historical events of Florida’s history regarding the Native Americans and European explorers along with key terms. Students will study notes and terms from the review for the test the following class.

Wednesday: Test: Chp. 3- Native Americans and European Explorers
Students will take a test on Chp. 3- Native Americans and European Explorers to determine their understanding and mastery of historical content along with key terms regarding the two mentioned groups of people above in Florida.


Monday: Lesson 8.5 Area of a Circle (pg. 109) – In this lesson, students will practice calculating the area of a circle (the number of square units it contains). They will use the following formula to calculate the area of a circle: A = πr^2. They must also keep in mind that the radius is half of the diameter. Students must also write their answers expressed as unit (meter, centimeter, or inches) ^ 2.

Tuesday: Lesson 8.6 Area of a Parallelogram (pg. 110) In this lesson, students will practice solving the area of parallelograms. They will define a parallelogram as a polygon and a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. In order to calculate the area of a parallelogram, they will multiply its base and height using the following formula (A = b x h). They must also express their answers as unit (meter, centimeter, or inches) ^ 2.

Wednesday: Review: Perimeter, Circumference; Area of a Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, and Parallelogram
Students will complete a review of the following mathematical concepts that will function as a study guide to help them practice for their test the following day. They will practice and reinforce all concepts from the previous lessons such as calculating perimeter (the distance around a shape), circumference (the distance around a circle), and area (the number of square units in a shape). Students will submit the review the following day before the test.

Thursday: Review: Perimeter, Circumference; Area of a Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, and Parallelogram
Students will complete a review of the following mathematical concepts that will function as a study guide to help them practice for their test the following day. They will practice and reinforce all concepts from the previous lessons such as calculating perimeter (the distance around a shape), circumference (the distance around a circle), and area (the number of square units in a shape). Students will submit the review the following day before the test.



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